№37 2019
From the correspondence of Vasyl Avramenko with Ivan Bobersky3
Cossack family Fenenkov33
The war in eastern Ukraine: what it is40
War up close through the eyes of a child.58
Memories of the Second World War Borisova Neonila Tymofeevna
Korsunets is a student of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (first half of the 18th century)66
From the memoirs of UAOC activists (Korsunshchyna)67
Ukrainian liberation movement according to the "Passport of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy district of 195469
Great love for the life of Flora Pechenenko72
From the history of archeological research in the Korsun region: the Soviet-Bulgarian expedition of 195675
War through the eyes of volunteers86
An unknown well-known compatriot Tadeusz Zelinskiy is a native of the village of Skrypchentsi96
Shevchenkiana in the scientific library of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy State Historical and Cultural Preserve104
Vadim Maznichenko: citizen and patriot112
Dialogue with the wood (based on field research materials)118
Alphabetical list of articles of the "Korsunperiodical " for 1994 - 2018 (№1- 36)121
Subject-thematic index134