Korsun-Shevchenkivsky State Historical and Cultural Preserve was established in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on Ukraine of February 8, 1994 № 79 “On the State Historical and Cultural Preserve in Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy” on the basis of the Museum of History of Korsun- Shevchenkivska Battle in order to preserve and rationalize history, culture and nature. It is a research and cultural-educational institution.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine on May 14, 2008 №437 / 2008 “On granting the status of national to certain cultural institutions” the Preserve was granted the status of “National”.
The Preserve carries out its activities on the basis of “Regulations on the Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy State Historical and Cultural Preserve. New Edition”, approved by the order of the Chairman of the Cherkasy Regional Council of March 16, 2020 № 90-r “Development Program of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy State Historical and Cultural Reserve for December 2016–2021” and in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine, in particular, Laws of Ukraine “About culture”, “About museums and museum business”, “About protection of cultural heritage”, “About nature preserve fund”.
The objects of the Preserve are located on the territory of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy district in the town of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy and Zvenyhorodskiy district in the settlement of Stebliv, the village of Kvitky. The total area is 103 hectares, the largest land plots are the monument of garden and park art of national importance “Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy Park” and the monument of archeology of national importance “The site of anancient town of the XI-XIII centuries “. All land plots are registered in the State Land Cadastre.
In the operational management of the Preserve there are 51 object of common property of territorial communities of villages, settlements and town of Cherkasy region, from them – 28 objects of cultural heritage, incl. 6 monuments of national importance .
The reserve unites 5 museum institutions: the Museum of the History of the of Korsun-Shevchenkivska Battle, the Historycal Museum, the Art Gallery , the Memorial Museum of K.H. Stetsenko , the Literary Memorial Museum of I.S. Nechuy-Levytskiy .
One of the priority directions in the work of the Preserve ‘s scientists is the professional actualization of the past and the formation of the future, in accordance with the demands of modern Ukraine. Scientists annually work in the archives of Ukraine, conduct field research, during which they record the testimonies of eyewitnesses and participants in the events. The received documents are important historical sources and are used for further scientific researches, creation of expositions, carrying out of educational actions.
The results of the research were, in particular, the publication of books: “Small encyclopedic dictionary of Korsun region” (in two volumes), “Ancient Korsun”, “Korsun roads of Shevchenko”, “Village of Kvitky and Kvitchany: pages of human’s memory”, “Textbook of Korsun region history XI – early XX centuries”, “Palace ensemble on the granite islands of the Ros”, “I. Nechuy-Levytsky. Refutation of the latest rationalist ideas about the face of Jesus Christ”, “Stebliv miracle. Literary – local lore explorations. To the 175th anniversary of of Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky’s birth and the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth”, “The artistry of Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky’s story “Kaidash’s family”, “Love and dreams of wise Nechuy. Literary critical investigations”, “It was the war. Essays, documents, letters, diaries, eyewitness memoirs”, “Over the Ros and the Rostavytsia (literary and local lore explorations)” , “Stebliv meetings”, “With the native land in the heart”. The authors of four books became the winners of the Mykhailo Maksymovych Regional Local History Prize.
Visitors to the Preserve are offered various types of museum product, in particular, excursions , lectures, exhibition openings, interactive museum events, quests, literary classes, concerts, festivals. All of them are aimed at promoting the history and spiritual heritage of Ukraine, patriotic, aesthetic and ecological education, the formation of a humanistic worldview, high moral qualities. The mode of operation of the Reserve and the paid services should satisf visitors.
An important place in the activities of the Preserve belongs to the communicative function. This is cooperation with state authorities, state and public organizations, scientific institutions, cultural and educational institutions, individuals, etc. In recent years, digital communication channels have been used quite actively: the creation of promotional videos and photo reports on museum exhibits, exhibitions, individual museum objects, events, etc. with their subsequent publication on social networks and on the reserve’s website.
The preserve is a permanent non-profit institution, as open as possible to the public. The main priority of his activity is to serve society and public interests.