Pottery from the fund collection of the Reserve

Ukrainian paper banknotes of the era of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1920 in the bonistic collection of the Reserve

A collection of unique postcards from the beginning of the 20th century dedicated to the city of Korsun

Philokartist collection of original postcards dedicated to the outstanding Ukrainian poet, thinker, painter, and symbol of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko

Postcards of the beginning of the 20th century dedicated to Steblev

Vilkhivchytskyi treasure

Foundation collection of embroidered towels

Catalog of collection items from Vasyl Avramenko’s legacy

Catalog of museum objects from the heritage of Petro Volodymyrovych Zhur

Catalog of Shevchenko-themed museum objects

Museum catalog dedicated to the 365th anniversary of the Korsun-Shevchenkivska battle