Launched in 2016. The purpose of the project: the formation of civic identity, understanding of the unity and integrity of Ukraine, the national idea of ​​development free, independent, democratic state; education of respectful attitude to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, soldiers who died in the struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine, support of ATO and OOS soldiers.
The project annually hosts interactive museum events, patriotic song lessons, thematic tours in the expositions of the stationary exhibition “Ukraine – above all!”; Meetings with ATO and OOS soldiers, volunteers are held on the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, the Day of Dignity and Freedom. Besides collection of museum objects that reveal the events of the Revolution of Dignity, the war in eastern Ukraine and the participation of Korsuns is held; audio and video recordings of memories of participants and witnesses of events; reading lecture series are conducted.
In order to implement the project, the staff of the Preserve closely cooperates with public organizations “Union of ATO Soldiers of Korsunshchyna” and “Soldiers’ Mothers of Korsunshchyna”, charitable organization “ATOmany Charitable Foundation”, volunteers, educational institutions.