The place and significance of Porossya in the history of Ukraine (IX-XIII centuries). Materials of the scientific-practical conference. November 28, 2007 / Editor: P.Ya. Stenekina (ed.) and others. – Korsun-Shevchenkivsky: Chabanenko Yu.A., 2007. – 136 p.
Introductory speech at the opening of the conference3
Korsunshchyna: at the origins of the formation of Ukrainian ethnicity4 -
Porosska defensive line: stages of formation and Development (in the light of written and archaeological sources)17
Korsunshchyna at the end of the 16th century and at the first half of the seventeenth century51
Scientific reports
From sources to the history of Bila Tserkva 16th – 18th centuries (based on materials from Polish archives)68 -
Korsunshchyna in modern historical and local lore research74
Porossya and nomads in the XI - first half XIII century78
The Jewish population of Cherkasy region in the 60s and 90s years of the eighteenth century: socio-economic aspect89
Plot tiles from the late medieval Korsun97
The Battle of Korsun in 1648 in the coverage of the chronicle S. Twardowski101
The name of the river Ros as a password to the solution of historical issues105
The settlement near the village of Sharki. History of the research and current state110
Study of the remains of fortresses from ancient times on the territory of Korsun-Shevchenkivsky district113
Museum objects of ancient times in the funds of Korsun-Shevchenkivsky State Historical and cultural reserve123
Nomadic tribes in Porossya in the 9th – 12th centuries127