Dupliy Serhiy Oleksandrovych (07.08.1958) – artist-colorist, Honored Artist of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, excellent of Ukraine public education.
He was born in the village of Sydorivka of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy (now – Zvenygorolka) district. Loved to pain from childhood. The first drawings of the gifted schoolboy got to the international children’s exhibitions, however then nobody supported his talent.
In 1980 he graduated from the Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. He worked as a coach of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy children and youth school (1980-1987), and teacher of the fine arts basis at Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy Children’s School and of Arts named by K.H. Stetsenko (now – Korsun-Shevchenkivsk Children’s School of Arts named after K.H. Stetsenko).
A significant influence on the formation of Serghiy, as an artist and person, had Cherkasy artist Eugen found. When Serhiy skillfully accomplished in pencil the portrait of his friend per hour, E. Naiden couldn’t believe that the young man had no special education. He advised him to leave everything and dedicate himself only to the fine arts.
The formation of Serhiy as an artist was influenced by the Impressionists, whose works was convinced him that the best school for an artist is working in the open air.
In 1985 for the first time he took part in the regional art exhibition in the town of Cherkasy, are exhibited six of his sketches. And two years later, three sketches “November”, “February Ghost”, “Near the Main Station” were presented at the Republican Art Exhibition in Kiev. In the same year, the first personal art exhibition of the young artist took place in the art gallery of the Museum of the History of the of Korsun-Shevchenkivska Battle, where the artist presented 60 paintings and sketches. Visitors of the exhibition noted the original talent of the young artist.
In 1987 he mored the town of Rzhyshchiv Kyiv region, are eventually completely focused himself at creative work.
Early works by Serhiy Dupliy, in particular, “Frosty Sun” (1980), “Yantalka. Winter” (1984), “Yantalka. Foggy Morning” (1986), “Over the Ros Study” (1986), “April sun in the park” (1986) are inherent of his poetic vision. His works are filled with sadness and joy, awakening, anxiety and calm, unsolved mystery. Choosing a dark color, stringy viscous combination of colors, dropping the lowest opinion of a warm beam or piece of light, the artist dissolved color in the air, depriving the materiality of objects.
Particulary are perceived his works “Pions”, “Country-women Khymka’s House”, “The Dnipro in Rzhyshchiv” where bright, juicy oil paint relaxed, masterly manner of performing creates color full mysteriousness. All large canvas as are flooded with large many-colored strokes, increasing the cheerful mood in the works.
The artist had not participated in exhibitions for more than 10 years. These were the years of hard work and creative search. The artist gets his own style of painting makes his personal style. He loves wide pasty strokes; free, expressive, boldly laid rectangles on top of a primed background.
After a long break in the exhibition activity in February 2004 at the Museum of Cultural Heritage in Kyiv personal jubilee exhibition dedicated to 25th anniversary of creative activity Serhiy Dupliy took place. 68 paintings by the artist were exhibited at it. During the opening of the exhibition , the well-known art critic Volodymyr Pidhora noted: “Finally, we have waited unbiased, unusually strong, powerful-impulsive artist who thinks with the help of color. Having reached unique color harmony and deep texture, the artist denotes that the very texture has never been an end in itself, but only the mode of transmission of sensations. “The exhibition lasted for more than a month, it was visited by thousands of Kyiv, guests of the city, among them – famous collectors and art critics. Lots of admired responses were left by visitors an of the exhibition about paintings which strike with turbulence of colors, their expressive dynamics and irresistible torrent of positive energy.
Serhiy presented his work at art exhibitions in Kyiv and Cherkasy, Transcarpathia, in the Crimea and in also Russian Federation and Slovakia, in many other European countries. Numerous of his works are in art museums, galleries, in private collections both in Ukraine and abroad.
In 2018 for in the second time he organized his personal exhibition at the art gallery of Korsun-Shevchenkivskiy State Historical and Cultural Preserve. In one of the halls of the art gallery there exhibited the works donated to the Preserve by the author.
Svitlana Kostenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Manager of Art Gallery