In the Reserve, within the framework of the environmental project “Save the environment”, the ecological action “Feed the birds” is ongoing.
When the ground is covered with a blanket of snow, it becomes very difficult for birds. More and more often, the feeders in the Korsun-Shevchenkiv park are visited by fussy titmice, sparrows, woodpeckers, wagtails and other types of birds that stay for the winter in our region. Now it is especially important that there is plenty of food in the “bird feeders”. Serhiy Cherednichenko, a member of the Korsun-Shevchenkivsky City Council, recently visited the Reserve with guests for birds. He handed over a considerable amount of ground corn.
They care about the birds and the visitors of the Reserve. Thus, the students of the Derenkovets gymnasium of the Nabutiv territorial community joined the ecological action “Feed the birds”. The children listened with interest to the story of Kateryna Loyenko, a junior researcher, about the wintering birds of the park, recognized familiar species from the photos and learned about unknown representatives of the avifauna. And at the end of the meeting, the children filled the feeders with seeds.
Thank you all for taking care of our feathered friends, because every bird is important for the balance in nature.