On April 26, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the greatest man-made catastrophe on our planet – the Chernobyl accident (Chernobyl), the presentation of the exhibition “Atom-torn spring” took place in the historical museum of the Reserve. The name of the exhibition is quite symbolic, because the spring of 1986 was really torn. It changed the lives of millions of Ukrainians and citizens of other countries, divided the lives of many people into “before” and “after”. The catastrophe posed many problems for humanity, which are still not completely solved.
The exhibition is dedicated to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, who in 1986-1987 and 1989 worked in the 30-kilometer zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
At the presentation, the author of the exhibition, junior researcher Iryna Pasnytska reminded the audience of the chronology of events of that “torn spring”, which was forever inscribed in black letters in the history of mankind, and told about Korsun residents whose materials (photos, documents, awards, personal belongings) are presented at the exhibition.
The head of the historical museum, Stanislav Stepenkin, spoke about how the leadership of the former USSR tried to hide the fact of the accident. Lydia Ovsienko, Deputy Director of the Reserve for Scientific Work, drew the attention of those present to the need to record the testimony of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident and ordinary citizens about this tragic event.
Visitors to the presentation shared their memories of how they learned about the Chernobyl accident and how they tried to protect themselves and their families from the negative effects of radiation.
Photos by Iryna Kovalenko.